January 7, 2025 | Other Activities
Mamuju, January 7, 2025 – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi Province held a Regional Coordination Meeting (Rakorda) for the 2025 National Financial Literacy and Inclusion Survey (SNLIK). The event, which took place in the hall of the BPS of West Sulawesi Province, was attended by a number of important officials, including the Head of the BPS of West Sulawesi Province, Tina Wahyufitri, Director of Supervision of Financial Services Business Actors' Behavior, Education and Consumer Protection of the OJK, Mr. Arif Machfoed, Deputy Head of the BI Representative Office of West Sulawesi, Mr. Achmad, and the Head of the Regency BPS and representatives from the Provincial BPS, Mamuju Regency BPS, and Polewali Mandar Regency BPS.
In her remarks, the Head of BPS Sulbar, Tina Wahyufitri, emphasized the importance of strong coordination between OJK, BPS, and all stakeholders in the implementation of SNLIK 2025.
"SNLIK is a strategic effort to understand the level of financial literacy and inclusion of the Indonesian people. This data will be the basis for evaluating and planning financial literacy programs in the future," she said.
BPS was again trusted to carry out SNLIK field data collection after the success of a similar survey in 2024. The results of last year's survey recorded Indonesia's financial literacy index at 65.43 percent and the financial inclusion index at 75.02 percent. This index is an important indicator in measuring the effectiveness of financial literacy programs in Indonesia and is planned to continue to be improved through various initiatives.
In this Rakorda, Tina reminded all parties to maintain data quality as a form of responsibility and accountability.
"I ask to strengthen coordination and oversee the implementation of SNLIK together with OJK. The task of BPS as the spearhead of data collection is to ensure that the data produced is of high quality," she said.
This Rakorda also serves as an initial step in coordination between the Central OJK, Regional OJK, Central BPS, Provincial BPS, and Regency BPS. With thorough preparation, it is hoped that SNLIK 2025 can run smoothly and provide accurate results to support policy making in the field of financial literacy and inclusion in Indonesia. This survey is an important milestone in efforts to increase public awareness of financial services and expand access to them, thereby encouraging inclusive and sustainable economic development.
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