BPS Sulbar Holds Knowledge Sharing, Strengthens Statistics Corner for Golden Indonesia - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS Sulbar Holds Knowledge Sharing, Strengthens Statistics Corner for Golden Indonesia

BPS Sulbar Holds Knowledge Sharing, Strengthens Statistics Corner for Golden Indonesia

September 6, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi Province held a Knowledge Sharing activity for Quality Statistics Corner for Golden Indonesia on Thursday (6/9). The event, which was attended by the Head of BPS Sulbar, Tina Wahyufitri, and the Heads of BPS Regencies throughout West Sulawesi, aims to improve the quality of Statistics Corners throughout West Sulawesi to support national statistical development.

In her remarks, the Head of BPS Sulbar, Tina Wahyufitri, expressed her appreciation for the performance of Statistics Corners in West Sulawesi, especially the Statistics Corner of the University of West Sulawesi which has won the award as the Best Hope 3 Statistics Corner Award 2022.

"Increasing statistical literacy in a region is an integral part of the National Strategy for the Development of Indonesian Statistics," said Tina.

"One of the goals is to build competent Human Resources (HR) in the field of statistics," she explained.

Meanwhile, Safiudin as the PIC of the Statistics Corner of the Central BPS in his presentation conveyed several aspects that are the focus of the Statistics Corner monitoring and evaluation this year, such as institutions, accessibility, human resources, effectiveness, and collaboration.

"By paying attention to the aspects and tips that have been conveyed, I am sure we can together improve the quality of the Statistics Corner in West Sulawesi," said Safiudin.

"Let's make the Statistics Corner a center for statistical information and education that is beneficial to the community," he concluded.

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