Improving the Quality of Statistical Services, BPS West Sulawesi Holds Statistics Corner Evaluation - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Improving the Quality of Statistical Services, BPS West Sulawesi Holds Statistics Corner Evaluation

Improving the Quality of Statistical Services, BPS West Sulawesi Holds Statistics Corner Evaluation

June 25, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju, 25 June 2024 – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi Province (Sulbar) held an evaluation activity for the Statistics Corner activities in the West Sulawesi BPS Hall today. This activity was attended by the Sectoral Statistics Development Team and the Chair of the West Sulawesi Statistics Corner.

"The main objective of the Statistics Corner is to bring statistics closer to the academic community through various activities," said the Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, in her direction.

He emphasized the important role of the Statistics Corner in increasing public literacy and awareness, especially students, about statistics.

Furthermore, the Head of the Sectoral Statistics Development Team, Muh. Said, said that the Statistics Corner needed to expand its reach to more universities in West Sulawesi. Apart from that, it is necessary to repair and rejuvenate the existing Statistics Corner facilities to improve the quality of service.

"Each Statistics Corner must have advantages and competencies that can compete," added Tina.

He encouraged the Statistics Corner Team Leaders to identify the advantages of each Statistics Corner at their university.

This activity ended with direction and input from Mrs. Tina and Mr. Said regarding things that need to be improved and maintained, such as making infographics and videographics involving statistical agents, increasing student participation in visiting the virtual Statistics Corner, and coordinating with the campus in a cooperative manner. to improve the quality of the Statistics Corner.

It is hoped that through this activity, the Statistics Corner in West Sulawesi can continue to develop and provide the best service for the academic community.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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