August 14, 2024 | Other Activities
Mamuju, August 14, 2024 – The 2024 Provincial Plenary Meeting of the Evaluation of Sectoral Statistics Implementation (EPSS) was held in Mamuju today, marking the strong commitment of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi Province and the Provincial Government to realize quality data as a basis for regional development.
This event was attended by the Regional Secretary of West Sulawesi Province, Head of BPS of West Sulawesi Province, Head of Communication, Informatics, Encryption and Statistics Service of West Sulawesi Province, Secretary of Bapperida of West Sulawesi, Head of BPS Regency throughout West Sulawesi, as well as representatives from the EPSS Implementation Team, EPSS Agency Assessment Team, and EPSS Quality Assurance Team throughout West Sulawesi.
In her remarks, the Head of BPS of West Sulawesi Province, Tina Wahyufitri, emphasized the importance of sectoral statistics in supporting regional development and bureaucratic reform.
"This EPSS is a strategic activity where the Statistical Development Index (IPS) produced will be used by the Ministry of PANRB as one of the indicators of bureaucratic reform, the Ministry of Home Affairs will use the IPS as one of the RKPD indicators in the RPJMD, and used by the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas as a reference for evaluating the implementation of One Data Indonesia," she said.
He also invited all OPDs to actively participate and convey their needs to improve the quality of the implementation of sectoral statistics in West Sulawesi.
The Regional Secretary of West Sulawesi Province, Muhammad Idris in his remarks invited all levels of local government and related agencies to continue to innovate and collaborate to improve the quality of the statistical data produced.
"The implementation of good sectoral statistics is one of the important pillars in supporting the creation of targeted and data-based development policies," he said.
On this occasion, the Communication, Informatics, Encryption and Statistics Office of West Sulawesi Province received an award as the Selected OPD in the 2024 Sectoral Statistics Implementation Evaluation for its contribution to improving the quality of sectoral statistics. In addition, BPS Sulbar and Diskominfopers Sulbar also signed a cooperation agreement related to the Anti-Corruption Statistics Love Village Program.
The event was continued with a presentation of material by the Head of Diskominfopers Sulbar, Mustari Mula on the role of data guardians in One Data Indonesia followed by the implementation of a provincial plenary session to evaluate the implementation of sectoral statistics in 2024.
Through this activity, it is hoped that synergy and collaboration between institutions in managing sectoral statistical data and information in West Sulawesi can be improved, so that quality statistical data is created that is useful for regional development.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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