BPS-Statistics Sulbar Holds 116th National Awakening Day Ceremony - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS-Statistics Sulbar Holds 116th National Awakening Day Ceremony

BPS-Statistics Sulbar Holds 116th National Awakening Day Ceremony

May 20, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju, 20 May 2024 - The BPS-Statistics of Sulawesi Barat Province (BPS-Statistics of Sulbar Province) solemnly held a ceremony to commemorate the 116th National Awakening Day with the theme "Second Awakening Towards a Golden Indonesia". This ceremony was held in the courtyard of the BPS-Statistics Sulawesi Barat Province office and was attended by all BPS-Statistics Sulawesi Barat Province Employees.

In the text of the Minister of Communication and Information's message read by Associate Expert Statistics, Muhammad Nurbakti, the importance of the spirit of national revival which is now entering the second phase towards a Golden Indonesia 2045 is emphasized.

"In the second awakening phase, we continue the spirit of the first awakening that was established by the founding fathers of the nation. In contrast to the struggle that was initiated more than a century ago, we are now facing a variety of new challenges and opportunities. "Technological progress is a sign of a new era," said Nurbakti.

“Before us lies the potential power of a demographic bonus that is ready to spread to the world. The demographic bonus shows how 60 percent of Indonesia's population in the past two decades will become productive age workers who are ready to develop new innovations for technological progress and economic growth. "This potential supports the acceleration of digital transformation, while also opening up opportunities for Indonesia to get out of the middle-income trap." he added.

“In this second awakening, we must look at the times with optimism, self-confidence and belief. "All the potential of natural resources, the demographic bonus, the potential for digital transformation are the basic capital towards a Golden Indonesia 2045," he concluded.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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