BPS Sulbar Holds Socialization of Online Gambling Prevention, Reveals Destructive Impacts Lurking - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS Sulbar Holds Socialization of Online Gambling Prevention, Reveals Destructive Impacts Lurking

BPS Sulbar Holds Socialization of Online Gambling Prevention, Reveals Destructive Impacts Lurking

October 28, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi Province has reaffirmed its commitment to maintaining employee welfare by holding socialization of prevention and handling of online gambling. The activity, which was attended by all BPS employees throughout West Sulawesi, highlighted in depth the negative impacts of online gambling that can damage various aspects of life. (28/10).

"Online gambling is not just a fun game," said Brigpol Muhammad Ishak from Subdit 5 Ditreskrimsus Polda Sulbar.

"This is a cunning trap and can destroy someone's future. Dependence on online gambling can cause serious financial problems, from mounting debt to losing valuable assets," he explained.

Furthermore, Ishak explained that the impact of online gambling does not stop at financial problems.

"Stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders are some of the mental health problems often experienced by gambling addicts," he said.

"This condition can disrupt social relationships, work productivity, and even trigger criminal acts in an effort to get money to continue gambling," said Ishak.

Head of BPS Sulbar, Tina Wahyufitri, also expressed her concern about the rampant online gambling.

"We want to protect our employees from the dangers that lurk," she said.

"This socialization is an initial step to increase awareness and provide knowledge so that they can avoid the trap of online gambling," said Tina.

Tina hopes that through this socialization, all BPS Sulbar employees can become agents of change in their environment.

"I want to see BPS Sulbar employees not only avoid the dangers of online gambling, but also actively campaign for a healthy life and be free from all forms of addiction," she said.

"By working together, we can create a productive work environment and a better society," she said.

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