August 28, 2023 | BPS Activities
Mamuju - West Sulawesi Statistics Office held a Regional Technical Meeting (RTM) for Complete Data Collection of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises on Monday (28/08/2023). The event which was held at the Grand Maleo Hotel and Convention Mamuju presented three external speakers, namely Tjahjo Purnomo, Head of the West Sulawesi Regional DJPb Office, Bau Akram Dai, Head of the West Sulawesi Province Trade, Industry, Cooperative and UKM Office, and Octarez Abi Ibrahim, Branch Manager BRI Mamuju. Participants came from Disdagperinkop, mass media, Regency BPS and Provincial BPS.
The event started with a committee report by Markus Uda, Head of the General Section, then remarks by the Head of West Sulawesi Statistics Office, Tina Wahyufitri. Tina emphasized that preparation and coordination in the implementation of PL-KUMKM field data collection were prepared carefully so that it ran on time and produced quality data. Information dissemination to the public through the mass media is carried out so that stakeholders can utilize the PL-KUMKM results data which will later be available in the single KUMKM database.
The Regional Technical Meeting event for the West Sulawesi was opened by the Assistant II for the Economy and Development of the Regional Secretariat of the Province of West Sulawesi. Mr. Dr. Jacob F. Solon, S.H, M.Pd. In his remarks, Mr. Yakub welcomed the implementation of the 2023 KUMKM PL where from this activity a quality MSME integrated database would be produced, where quality data would be very useful for various development programs.
One by one the resource persons presented their material which was moderated by M. La'bi, Associate Expert Statist. The material presented came from 3 sources, namely from the DGTb regional office entitled "Realizing Accountable Administration of PL KUMKM", from the Department of Trade, Industry, Cooperatives and SMEs of West Sulawesi Province with the title "Utilization of PL-KUMKM Data for Advanced Indonesia" and from the Branch Manager BRI Mamuju entitled "Banking Facilities for PL-KUMKM 2023".
The event continued with a commission session which divided the teams in PL-KUMKM according to their respective fields. In this commission session, the participants of the regional RTM actively discussed plans and strategies that would be used to oversee quality PL-KUMKM field data collection and completion of complete activity administration. At the end of the commission session, a RTM agreement was produced.
At the end of the event, Dina Srikandi, Young Expert Statistician, read out the points of agreement of the RTM from all commissions, then continued with the closing by the Head of the West Sulawesi Statistics Office. Tina Wahyufitri reminded that to maintain a shared commitment in overseeing the success of PL-KUMKM, the Regency BPS coordinated with the regional government to obtain a letter of support from regional leaders, conduct outreach to relevant stakeholders, supervise to monitor scope and quality, and check the reasonableness of data as early as possible with sandboxing.
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Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Sulawesi Barat (BPS-Statistics of Sulawesi Barat Province)Jl. RE Martadinata No. 10
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