BPS of Sulawesi Barat Holds GRDP Rebasing Coordination Workshop - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS of Sulawesi Barat Holds GRDP Rebasing Coordination Workshop

BPS of Sulawesi Barat Holds GRDP Rebasing Coordination Workshop

November 21, 2023 | Other Activities

BPS of Sulawesi Barat Province (BPS Sulbar) held a Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) Rebasing Coordination workshop at the Grand Maleo Hotel Mamuju. The activity which was held on Tuesday (21/11) was attended by 12 participants from external BPS. Meanwhile, participants from internal BPS consisted of provincial BPS subject matter and all those responsible for district GRDP as well as companions from BPS RI.

Meanwhile, resource persons came from the Directorate of Expenditure Balance of BPS RI, Bappeda of Sulawesi Barat Province, and BI Representatives of Sulawesi Barat Province. The aim of the activity itself is to strengthen coordination and collaboration in the context of changing the GRDP base year (rebasing). Rebasing GDP/GRDP is necessary because the base year currently used is too long behind, 13 years (2010). This meeting was also to provide provisions to all GRDP preparers in districts and provinces with a new method, Chain Volume Measures (CVM). CVM will make the base year change continuously every year, year t minus 1.

Tina Wahyufitri, head of BPS of Sulawesi Barat, in her speech conveyed the importance of providing data that meets the expectations of policy makers. "Changes in the base year in calculating GDP/GRDP are necessary to meet the demands of increasingly rapid and diverse government policies," explained Tina. "The method that will be used is CVM in compiling GDP/GRDP, this will really support the preparation of the government's RPJM/RPJP towards a Golden Indonesia in 2045," continued Tina.

The presentation of the material started from Yulia Tri Mardani, a young expert statistician from the BPS RI Expenditure Balance Directorate. He emphasized that changing the GDP/GRDP base year using the CVM method has many advantages. "The advantages of the CVM method include being up to date, reliable, more accurate, and there is no element of subjectivity," explained Yulia. "This method with great advantages requires more effort, it also requires the preparation of a Supply and Use Table (SUT) framework, which of course requires sufficient human resources," continued Yulia.

In relation to the use of GRDP data, BI Representative, Muhammad Kemal Ardiansyah, said that GRDP data plays a very big role in recommendations for the formulation of regional policies. "BI carries out economic growth projections and formulates policy recommendations tailored to the identification of potential regional economic sectors," explained Kemal.

Meanwhile, the Head of Bappeda West Sulawesi, Junda Maulana, also really appreciated BPS as a data provider in planning and evaluating policies. "The collaboration with BPS has been carried out for a very long time, without available data it would be very difficult to plan development," said Junda. He emphasized that data is very important. "Failing to plan means planning to fail," stressed Junda.

This workshop also presented material regarding the preparation of disaggregation of PMTB in 2023. Dwi Ardian, the first statistician for BPS of Sulawesi Barat, said that PMTB has a very big role in preparing GRDP for West Sulawesi. "PMTB contributes 27 to 30 percent of Sulawesi Barat's GRDP, so it is very important to prepare a disaggregation of PMTB to obtain a complete picture," explained Ardian.

In closing, M. La'bi, as the chief organizer of the activity, said that support from all parties was really needed. "The key is coordination and collaboration so that the common goal of quality data can be achieved," concluded M. La'bi.

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