BPS West Sulawesi Supports Formulation of Competitive Economic Strategy Through FGD RPJPD 2025-2045 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS West Sulawesi Supports Formulation of Competitive Economic Strategy Through FGD RPJPD 2025-2045

BPS West Sulawesi Supports Formulation of Competitive Economic Strategy Through FGD RPJPD 2025-2045

April 30, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju, 30 April 2024 - The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of West Sulawesi Province (Sulbar) welcomes and fully supports the holding of the Thematic Focus Group Discussion (FGD) of the Preliminary Draft Regional Long Term Development Plan (RPJPD) 2025-2045 with the theme "Realizing the Regional Economy Competitive".

This FGD was organized by the West Sulawesi Regional Development Planning, Research and Innovation Agency (Bappeda) and opened by the Acting Governor of West Sulawesi, Zudan Arif Fakhrulloh. BPS West Sulawesi, in this case represented by the Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, was also present and played an active role in providing data and information regarding the current economic conditions of West Sulawesi.

According to Tina Wahyufitri, this FGD is an important step in formulating strategies and policy directions for West Sulawesi's economic development that are right on target and sustainable.

"BPS West Sulawesi is ready to support Bappeda West Sulawesi by providing accurate and up-to-date data and information as a basis for policy formulation," said Tina.

Furthermore, Tina explained data and information related to West Sulawesi's large economic potential, especially in the maritime, agricultural and tourism sectors.

"However, this potential has not been optimally optimized," said Tina.

Therefore, it is hoped that this FGD can produce the right strategy formulation and policy direction to encourage sustainable and inclusive economic growth in West Sulawesi.

BPS West Sulawesi is optimistic that with synergy and collaboration from all parties, West Sulawesi can create a competitive economy and improve the welfare of its people.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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