BPS West Sulawesi Supports Research on Regional Competitiveness - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS West Sulawesi Supports Research on Regional Competitiveness

BPS West Sulawesi Supports Research on Regional Competitiveness

July 2, 2024 | Other Activities

The Makassar State Administration Institute (LAN) Research Team visited BPS West Sulawesi (Sulbar) to collect data and interview the Head of BPS West Sulawesi regarding research regarding the role of transformational leadership in increasing regional competitiveness in West Sulawesi Province.

"We really appreciate the visit of the LAN Makassar Research Team and are ready to support this research by providing the necessary data," said Tina Wahyufitri, Head of BPS West Sulawesi.

"We hope that the results of this research can make a positive contribution to development and increasing regional competitiveness in West Sulawesi." she added.

Dr. Najmi Kamariah, S.E., M.Sc., as head of the research team, expressed his gratitude for the support of BPS West Sulawesi.

"The data and information we obtain from BPS West Sulawesi will be very valuable in analyzing the role of transformational leadership in the context of regional development," she said.

It is hoped that this research can provide strategic recommendations for local governments and other stakeholders in an effort to increase regional competitiveness in West Sulawesi.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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