West Sulawesi BPS Socializes 2023 EPSS Results to the West Sulawesi EPSS Internal Assessment Team - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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West Sulawesi BPS Socializes 2023 EPSS Results to the West Sulawesi EPSS Internal Assessment Team

West Sulawesi BPS Socializes 2023 EPSS Results to the West Sulawesi EPSS Internal Assessment Team

December 27, 2023 | Other Activities

The West Sulawesi Province Central Statistics Agency (BPS) held a socialization activity to present the results of the 2023 Sectoral Statistics Implementation Evaluation (EPSS) to the West Sulawesi EPSS Internal Assessment Team. This activity took place at the West Sulawesi Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) Office on December 28 2023. This socialization aims to increase transparency and accountability in the implementation of sectoral statistics at the provincial level.

The event was opened by the Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, who conveyed the importance of EPSS for measuring the maturity of implementing sectoral statistics. "EPSS is an assessment process carried out by BPS systematically through verification and validation of information on the results of self-assessments to measure the level of maturity in implementing sectoral statistics," he said.

The socialization was attended by the West Sulawesi EPSS BPS Agency Assessment Team and the West Sulawesi EPSS Internal Assessment Team. They play an important role in assessing the extent to which the process of conducting sectoral statistics is in accordance with established standards. This activity becomes an interactive forum for sharing evaluation results, discussing findings, and preparing steps for future improvements.

On this occasion, the Head of Bappeda West Sulawesi, Djunda Maulana also gave a speech, appreciating BPS's efforts in improving the quality of sectoral statistics. "Quality statistical data is a strong basis for development planning at the regional level. We hope that the results of this evaluation can be a good guide for improving and developing policies in the future," he said.

Based on the presentation of the evaluation results, it appears that there are still many aspects that need to be improved by the West Sulawesi Provincial Government in carrying out sectoral statistics. BPS West Sulawesi expressed its appreciation for the transparency and cooperation that existed in this evaluation process.

The event closed with an agreement to continuously involve the West Sulawesi EPSS Internal Assessment Team in the evaluation process in the future. The West Sulawesi Regional Government and West Sulawesi BPS are committed to continuing to improve the quality of their sectoral statistical data, so that they can make a greater contribution in supporting development in West Sulawesi Province.

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