BPS West Sulawesi Reveals the Results of the 2022 Cost of Living Survey to TPID West Sulawesi - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province


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BPS West Sulawesi Reveals the Results of the 2022 Cost of Living Survey to TPID West Sulawesi

BPS West Sulawesi Reveals the Results of the 2022 Cost of Living Survey to TPID West Sulawesi

January 4, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju, January 4 2024 - Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri explained changes in consumption patterns of the people of West Sulawesi as a result of the 2022 Cost of Living Survey to the West Sulawesi Regional Inflation Control Team at the West Sulawesi Provincial Maritime and Fisheries Service Office.

 The event was attended by the Head of the West Sulawesi BPS, the Head of the West Sulawesi Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service, the Head of the West Sulawesi Provincial Economic and Development Bureau, the Head of the West Sulawesi Province Trade, Industry, Cooperatives and SMEs Service, the Head of the Food Security Service, the Deputy of Bank Indonesia Representative for West Sulawesi, and the Head of Bulog Mamuju.

 The Head of BPS West Sulawesi, in his presentation, discussed several key aspects related to inflation in Mamuju until December 2023. In his analysis, it was revealed that there was month-to-month inflation of 0.14%. The presentation also includes commodities that cause inflation or deflation, providing an in-depth picture of price dynamics.

 The intervention carried out in December 2023 is the main focus, showing the steps that have been taken to maintain price stability. The 2022 SBH Results Weighing Diagram was also presented, providing a broader perspective regarding the factors that influence changes in inflation.

 This meeting also covered price developments from December 2023 to January 2024 based on SP2KP Data from the West Sulawesi Province Department of Industry and Trade. With this activity, it is hoped that TPID West Sulawesi can make the right decisions to maintain regional economic balance.

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