Managing the Organization Well, BPS West Sulawesi Internalizes the 2022 SBO Results - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Managing the Organization Well, BPS West Sulawesi Internalizes the 2022 SBO Results

Managing the Organization Well, BPS West Sulawesi Internalizes the 2022 SBO Results

September 27, 2023 | Other Activities

BPS West Sulawesi internalized the results of the 2022 Organizational Culture Survey (SBO) to the ranks of Change Ambassadors and all employees (27/9) in the West Sulawesi Province BPS Office Hall.

Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri said, mature organizations are organizations that are well prepared and managed.

Tina advised the Change Champion to explain how to map the dimensions of cultural implementation, namely Leadership, People and System (LPS) BPS West Sulawesi.

Change Champion of BPS West Sulawesi, M. La'bi, explained that in general the assessment of respondents' perceptions of the implementation of BerAKHLAK and the LPS culture implementation model at BPS West Sulawesi was good.

"The assessment of respondents' perceptions of the implementation of AKHLAK at BPS West Sulawesi was 4.12, which means that the values of AKHLAK have become very closely part of daily work behavior and have become a characteristic that represents individuals in the work unit," explained La'bi.

La'bi also said that the assessment of respondents' perceptions of the BPS West Sulawesi LPS cultural implementation model was 4.07, which shows that LPS values have been implemented consistently in work units.

"All dimensions of LPS are in the green category with the lowest dimensions of leadership and system having values of 4.08 and 4.00 respectively," continued La'bi.

In this activity, which was also attended by all District BPS Heads throughout West Sulawesi, Tina advised that the results of this SBO be followed up, and that District BPS Heads carry out internalization in their respective work units.

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