Head of BPS West Sulawesi Becomes Resource Person at TPID High Level Meeting Activities - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Head of BPS West Sulawesi Becomes Resource Person at TPID High Level Meeting Activities

Head of BPS West Sulawesi Becomes Resource Person at TPID High Level Meeting Activities

February 29, 2024 | Other Activities

Thursday (29/2), Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, was a resource person at the High Level Meeting of TPID West Sulawesi with material entitled "advocacy for statistics on inflation developments in West Sulawesi". This event was opened and welcomed by Acting. Governor of West Sulawesi Province.

Prof. Zudan said that this meeting was an important momentum for all participants as policy makers, to control prices, supply and demand for goods in West Sulawesi. He appreciated and hoped that the role of each team could continue to be improved.

In his speech, Acting. The Governor appreciated TPID's performance for the efforts that have been made so far to control the inflation rate in West Sulawesi. Apart from that, Acting The governor advised BPS to continue to monitor prices and inflation in West Sulawesi accurately. "Great appreciation for TPID West Sulawesi which has succeeded in controlling inflation, including BPS West Sulawesi which has monitored prices accurately, so that handling can be carried out appropriately," explained Zudan.

The Head of BPS West Sulawesi in his material, conveyed the role of BPS as a data provider and providing policy insights to the government. BPS, in conjunction with inflation data, always captures price developments every week. BPS then provides recommendations for commodities that should be the main targets for intervention. "Evaluations need to be carried out every week to ensure that the interventions carried out are appropriate or not," explained Tina.

Tina Wahyufitri also reminded that before Ramadan there is a tendency for prices to increase due to large demand. "The biggest contributors to inflation, such as rice, chilies, purebred chicken eggs and several other commodities, must be anticipated to increase," explained Tina. Tina hopes that the anticipation made will really have an impact on prices in traditional markets, which are the main place for people to shop.

The HLM TPID activity closed with various appreciations and input from various parties to continue to increase cooperation in maintaining West Sulawesi as one of the best price controllers nationally. (*)

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