BPS Sulbar was a resource person at the Sulawesi Barat LPPD Assistance and Supervision Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS Sulbar was a resource person at the Sulawesi Barat LPPD Assistance and Supervision Meeting

BPS Sulbar was a resource person at the Sulawesi Barat LPPD Assistance and Supervision Meeting

April 1, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju - BPS-Statistics Sulawesi Barat Province was a resource person at the LPPD assistance and supervision meeting held by the Government and People's Welfare Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of Sulawesi Barat Province. This activity, which was held on Monday (1/4/2024) at the Aflah Mamuju Hotel, invited all representatives of district governments throughout Sulawesi Barat. Apart from BPS, resource persons also came from the Ministry of Home Affairs who were present online, then other resource persons from BPKP and Bapperida Sulawesi Barat Province.

Eka Khaerandy Oktafianto, young statistician at BPS-Statistic Sulawesi Barat Province, in his material conveyed the importance of paying close attention to macro indicators. Eka conveyed data on HDI, unemployment rate, poverty rate, economic growth, and other macro data. He explained the stages of data collection and the phenomena in data collection. "One indicator that describes development in general is the HDI, the HDI in Sulawesi Barat is in the medium category and is heading towards the high category," explained Eka.

He also explained briefly about the 8 stages of GSBPM and the importance of one piece of data in examining each data produced. "The GSBPM stage is needed to maintain the quality of the data we collect, apart from that, the principle of one data emphasizes that there are no repetitive statistical activities," continued Eka.

The activities continued one by one with other presenters, from the Ministry of Home Affairs, BPKP, and Bapperida. The moderator concluded that in fulfilling the LPPD the main data used was from BPS, while data that BPS could not provide was collected by the relevant agencies themselves with assistance from BPS. (*)

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