Increasing Understanding, BPS-Statistics Sulbar Becomes Resource for Economic Journalist Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Increasing Understanding, BPS-Statistics Sulbar Becomes Resource for Economic Journalist Training

Increasing Understanding, BPS-Statistics Sulbar Becomes Resource for Economic Journalist Training

December 7, 2023 | Other Activities

[Mamuju, 7 December 2023] - Representatives of Bank Indonesia West Sulawesi Province (BI Sulbar) held Economic Journalist Training on Thursday (7/12) at the Grand Maleo Hotel, Mamuju. The activity was carried out with the aim of making collaboration with the media in West Sulawesi stronger. It is hoped that this activity can increase journalists' understanding of economic data.

BPS-Statistics Sulawesi Barat was the main resource among other sources delivering material on inflation, economic growth and writing good statistical news. The presentation of the material was preceded by BI West Sulawesi which conveyed about Central Banking and the Economic Development of West Sulawesi. Achmad, Deputy Chief Representative of BI for West Sulawesi said that Bank Indonesia has an important role in maintaining the stability of the value of the rupiah and supporting sustainable economic growth. "BI West Sulawesi routinely produces economic reports. It is very important to know the interpretation of the data so that it can be communicated well," explained Achmad.

BPS-Statistics Sulawesi Barat as a provider of data on inflation also delivered material. Dina Srikandi, a young statistician, conveyed the importance of quality inflation data. "Inflation is calculated and released every month. Inflation describes the level of price changes at the consumer level. Everyone can access the data," explained Dina.

Meanwhile, material on economic growth was delivered by Mohamad La'bi, intermediate statistician. He explained how to interpret each economic growth figure, such as quarterly, cumulative and annual growth. He also explained the role of each economic sector and the importance of interpreting growth figures correctly. "When we compare between quarters, it means looking at seasonal influences, so it will fluctuate. If we compare annually, it means we will compare more objectively because the phenomenon is relatively the same," explained La'bi. "The role of each sector describes the potential of Sulawesi Barat, while the role of each district describes its contribution in boosting Sulawesi Barat's economic growth," continued La'bi.

At the end of the event, the Head of BPS-Statistics Sulawesi Barat, Tina Wahyufitri, also delivered some material about how to discuss statistics in the news. He tried to share the STAR method, namely situation, task, action and result, which are elements of interesting news. "Journalists and BPS are partners. BPS produces data and journalists distribute it through reporting," explained Tina. He hopes that existing synergies can continue to be improved.

Journalist participants expressed their hope to BPS that they could be invited to every activity and data release. At least you can alternate between existing media. (*)

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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