BPS West Sulawesi Receives Visit from KPPN Mamuju, Discusses Economic Analysis of West Sulawesi - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS West Sulawesi Receives Visit from KPPN Mamuju, Discusses Economic Analysis of West Sulawesi

BPS West Sulawesi Receives Visit from KPPN Mamuju, Discusses Economic Analysis of West Sulawesi

December 28, 2023 | Other Activities

Mamuju, 28 December 2023 - The West Sulawesi Province Central Statistics Agency (BPS) received a visit from the Mamuju State Treasury Services Office (KPPN) in a discussion event which aimed to deepen the analysis of the regional economy within the West Sulawesi Province. This visit is an important momentum to strengthen synergy between the two strategic institutions in providing accurate and relevant economic data.

Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri warmly welcomed the arrival of the group from KPPN Mamuju. In his speech, he expressed his appreciation for the cooperation that has existed between BPS and KPPN in supporting regional economic development planning. "We really appreciate the steps taken by KPPN Mamuju to contribute to regional development by holding open discussions regarding economic analysis," he said.

This discussion is a form of joint commitment to increase understanding of the dynamics of the West Sulawesi economy. The discussion participants consisted of BPS statisticians and the KPPN economic analysis team.

Head of KPPN Mamuju, Ferry Taufik Saleh conveyed the importance of cross-sector collaboration in formulating data-based policies. "A solid analysis of the regional economy is very necessary as a basis for making targeted policies," he said. He added that collaboration between BPS and KPPN could make a significant contribution in providing accurate and reliable information for stakeholders.

The discussion covered various topics related to regional economic analysis, starting from inflation, export-import, economic growth, dominant sectors, to the challenges faced. The participants also had the opportunity to exchange information and views to deepen their understanding of the economic conditions of West Sulawesi.

With this discussion, it is hoped that innovative ideas and solutions will emerge to improve the welfare of the people of West Sulawesi through sustainable economic development. Apart from that, it is also hoped that concrete steps in perfecting regional economic analysis can be formulated as an initial step to strengthen cooperation between BPS and KPPN.

The event closed with the hope of continuing to strengthen the synergy between BPS West Sulawesi and KPPN Mamuju in making a positive contribution to regional economic development. Both parties agreed to continue this cooperation through similar activities in the future as a concrete step in supporting sustainable economic development in West Sulawesi.

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