Knitting Friendship through Umami Snacks: BPS Sulbar Holds Halal Bihalal and Eid Culinary Tourism - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Knitting Friendship through Umami Snacks: BPS Sulbar Holds Halal Bihalal and Eid Culinary Tourism

Knitting Friendship through Umami Snacks: BPS Sulbar Holds Halal Bihalal and Eid Culinary Tourism

April 23, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju, 23 April 2024 - In commemoration of Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijriah, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi Province (Sulbar) is holding a Halal Bihalal event and Eid Nusantara Culinary Tourism. The event, which was attended by all employees of BPS West Sulawesi, took place in the BPS West Sulawesi office yard, Mamuju, on Tuesday (23/4/2024).

This event aims to create a harmonious and family-friendly work atmosphere. "This Eid moment is the right time to strengthen ties and forgive each other. This event is also an opportunity to taste various kinds of typical regional snacks brought by employees who have just returned from their hometowns," said Tina Wahyufitri, Head of BPS for West Sulawesi Province.

The highlight of the event most eagerly awaited by all employees is the Eid Nusantara culinary tourism event. At this event, employees brought various kinds of regional Eid snacks or cakes brought by employees who had just returned from their hometowns.

The Halal Bihalal and Lebaran Nusantara Culinary Tourism event was enthusiastically welcomed by all employees of BPS West Sulawesi. It is hoped that this event can strengthen ties and increase the sense of kinship between employees.

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