BPS Sulbar Organizes Training for Coconut and Pepper Plantation KOMSTRAT Survey Officers 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS Sulbar Organizes Training for Coconut and Pepper Plantation KOMSTRAT Survey Officers 2023

BPS Sulbar Organizes Training for Coconut and Pepper Plantation KOMSTRAT Survey Officers 2023

August 25, 2023 | BPS Activities

The training for officers for the Strategic Commodity Survey (Komstrat) for Coconut and Pepper Plantations in 2023 was carried out for 2 (two) effective days, namely 24 to 25 August 2023 at the Grand Maleo Hotel and Convention Mamuju. There were 22 participants, partners and BPS organics, who were provided with material by the National Instructor, Abdul Hafid, from the BPS Province of West Sulawesi.

 The opening, which was held on Thursday (24/08), was officially opened by the Head of BPS for West Sulawesi Province, Tina Wahyufitri, S.Si, M.Sc. He began his briefing by expressing his appreciation for the officers' efforts in the successful implementation of the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) from last June to July. Then proceed by conveying the importance of this survey being carried out. "After completing the ST2023 field implementation in July which will produce a picture of general agricultural conditions, now BPS will complete data from the plantation sub-sector, especially coconut and pepper commodities through the 2023 Plantation Strategic Commodity Survey (VKOMSTRAT2023)," continued Tina Wahyufitri.

 The training which took place from 08.00 to 17.45 every day was not only filled with delivery of material from national instructors, but also interspersed with discussion sessions related to participants' understanding of concepts and definitions as well as problems that might be encountered in the field during data collection.

 Friday (25/08), at the closing event the three best participants during the class were announced. Tina Wahyufitri said she was satisfied because the results of the training test showed a very satisfactory score, with a grade average of 94.12. “Congratulations to the participants who got the best scores in this training. Say hello to each family, I hope the implementation of the 2023 VKOMSTRAT activities can run smoothly and be successful," he said before ending his briefing.

 The Officers' Training ended with a favorable impression from the participants. Ada admitted that she enjoyed it more and could absorb the material more optimally if the training was conducted face-to-face like this. "Hopefully each training activity will continue to be carried out using offline and face-to-face methods with instructors, so the material is easier to understand," commented Ahmad Pauji, a participant from Pasangkayu Regency.

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