Inauguration of Middle Statistician at BPS Sulbar, Steps Towards Greater Impact - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Inauguration of Middle Statistician at BPS Sulbar, Steps Towards Greater Impact

Inauguration of Middle Statistician at BPS Sulbar, Steps Towards Greater Impact

January 8, 2025 | Other Activities

Mamuju, January 8, 2025 – Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi Province, Tina Wahyufitri, officially inaugurated Alim as a Middle Statistician Functional Officer in an event held at the BPS West Sulawesi Office. This inauguration is a new milestone in strengthening the organization's capacity towards more meaningful and impactful statistical services.

In her remarks, Tina conveyed the importance of the role of Middle Statisticians in supporting the implementation of sectoral statistical activities and preparation for the 2026 Economic Census.

"With this new position, Alim is expected to be able to adapt, provide innovation, and become the main driving force in fostering sectoral statistics, especially at BPS Pasangkayu Regency," said Tina.

Furthermore, she emphasized that this new responsibility also includes mastering complexity, taking risks, and the ability to produce work method updates that are recognized at the agency level.

"Statistics is not just about producing numbers, but making data meaningful and impactful for Indonesia's development," she added.

Alim, who is now at level 4 of the qualified category, is expected to be able to lead with the core values ​​of BerAKHLAK and be a role model for other employees. This inauguration is expected to bring a significant contribution to the achievement of the Statistical Development Index (IPS) category "Good" in 2025.

The event was closed with a motivational message from the Head of BPS West Sulawesi who encouraged all inauguration participants to work collaboratively, adaptively, and innovatively to optimize organizational performance.

"Congratulations on your inauguration. Give your best to BPS and be the driving force of change for more meaningful statistics," concluded Tina.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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