June 3, 2024 | Other Activities
Mamuju, 3 June 2024 - Head of BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province, Tina Wahyufitri, also attended the Special Plenary Meeting of the West Sulawesi Province (Sulbar) DPRD in the context of Submitting the Audit Result Report (LHP) of the Financial Audit Agency (BPK) on the Regional Government Financial Report (LKPD) Sulawesi Barat Province Fiscal Year 2023.
The handover of the BPK LHP was carried out by the Head of the Sulawesi Barat BPK RI Representative Auditorate, Dwi Sabardiana, to the Chair of the DPRD of Sulawesi Barat, Dr. Hj. Sitti Suraidah Suhardi. On this occasion, Acting. Governor of Sulawesi Barat, Dr. Drs. Bahtiar Baharuddin, M.Sc., expressed his gratitude to the BPK for the audit that had been carried out and emphasized the importance of data in planning the development of Sulawesi Barat towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.
"Data is one of the main keys in development planning. Therefore, I hope that all OPDs within the West Sulawesi Provincial Government will continue to coordinate with BPS in order to provide quality data," said Acting. Governor of Sulawesi Barat.
Responding to this, the Head of BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province, Tina Wahyufitiri, stated her commitment to continuing to provide quality data to support development planning in Sulawesi Barat Province.
"BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat will continue to be committed to providing quality and accountable data to support development planning in Sulawesi Barat. We will also continue to improve coordination with all OPDs in Sulawesi Barat so that the data produced can be utilized optimally," said Tina.
It is hoped that this Special Plenary Meeting will provide momentum for the Sulawesi Barat Provincial Government to continue to increase regional financial accountability and transparency, as well as encourage the use of quality data in development planning in Sulawesi Barat. (*)
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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