Head of BPS-Statistic Sulbar Province Attends National Statistical System Collaboration in Bali - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Head of BPS-Statistic Sulbar Province Attends National Statistical System Collaboration in Bali

Head of BPS-Statistic Sulbar Province Attends National Statistical System Collaboration in Bali

July 10, 2024 | Other Activities

Bali, 10 July 2024 – Head of BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province, Tina Wahyufitri, attended the 2024 National Statistical System (SSN) Collaboration activities in Bali. This activity was initiated by BPS RI as the supervisor of sectoral statistical data, presenting the Statistical Coding Informatics Communication Service (Diskominfoperss) as Data Guardian throughout Indonesia. The activity will be carried out for two days effective 10 and 11 July 2024.

This collaborative activity aims to increase understanding of the importance of implementing quality sectoral statistics at the policy-making level in regional governments, increasing coordination and collaboration between BPS and regional government data trustees, as well as encouraging institutional strengthening in implementing sectoral statistics at the regional government level.

Deputy for Methodology and Statistical Information and Plt. The Main Secretary of BPS, Imam Machdi, in his speech said that there were several challenges in developing a national statistical system. "The development of a national statistical system has many challenges, the demands of data users are increasingly complex, the development of various data sources, and the need for good data management to improve data quality," he explained.

As a form of strong commitment and determination in realizing a national statistical system, a joint commitment was signed between BPS and the Ministry of Communication and Information. The signing was also carried out by the Head of BPS West Sulawesi and the Head of the Sulawesi Barat Province Communications and Information Technology Service, Mustari Mula.

Head of BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province, Tina Wahyufitri, appreciated this activity and hoped that the signing of the joint commitment would be a step to strengthen the National Statistics System in Sulawesi Barat. "Hopefully the signing of this joint commitment will be a step that can optimize the strengthening of the National Statistical System in Sulawesi Barat Province," explained Tina.

Apart from that, Mustari Mula, Head of Diskominfoperss, who was accompanied by the sectoral statistics development team, expressed his gratitude for being provided with insight into the importance of strengthening the National Statistics System. He is committed to bringing the spirit of this meeting to be transmitted to all stakeholders in Sulawesi Barat Province. (*)

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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