BPS Sulbar Provides Understanding of IDI Points to Bakesbangpol West Sulawesi - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS Sulbar Provides Understanding of IDI Points to Bakesbangpol West Sulawesi

BPS Sulbar Provides Understanding of IDI Points to Bakesbangpol West Sulawesi

June 24, 2024 | BPS Activities

Mamuju, 24 June 2024 - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi Province (Sulbar) provided an understanding and explanation regarding the important points of the Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) to the West Sulawesi Bakesbangpol today. This was done in order to increase understanding and synergy between agencies in a joint effort to increase the value of IDI in West Sulawesi.

Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, in her speech said, "Improving IDI values ​​not only has a positive impact on democratic life in West Sulawesi, but is also in line with the priority programs of the Governor of West Sulawesi, especially in encouraging inclusive economic growth. Research shows that strong democracies can encourage more equitable and just economic growth.”

He said that the West Sulawesi IDI in 2023 experienced an increase of 0.53 points compared to 2022, namely from 74.03 points to 74.55 points. This increase shows that democracy in West Sulawesi is increasingly developing.

"Even though there has been an increase, the West Sulawesi IDI score is still in the 'medium' category. "This shows that there is still room to improve the quality of democracy in West Sulawesi," explained Tina.

Tina further explained that three aspects are indicators of IDI, namely the freedom aspect, the equality aspect, and the capacity aspect of democratic institutions. Of the third aspect, the aspect of freedom has the lowest value in West Sulawesi.

“This low level of freedom indicators is a major concern for us. "Therefore, efforts need to be made to increase freedom of assembly, association, expression and opinion in West Sulawesi," said Tina.

Responding to the presentation from BPS West Sulawesi, Nur Milu said that Bakesbangpol West Sulawesi would work together with the relevant OPDs to increase the value of IDI West Sulawesi.

"We will focus on improving indicators that are still low, such as freedom of assembly, association, expression and opinion, as well as political education for political party cadres," explained Nur Milu.

Nur Milu hopes that with the cooperation of all parties, the value of IDI West Sulawesi can continue to increase in the coming years.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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