Controlled Year-on-Year Inflation in December 2023, BPS Sulbar Provides Explanation on TVRI Sulbar - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Controlled Year-on-Year Inflation in December 2023, BPS Sulbar Provides Explanation on TVRI Sulbar

Controlled Year-on-Year Inflation in December 2023, BPS Sulbar Provides Explanation on TVRI Sulbar

January 5, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju, January 5, 2024 - Mamuju's success in controlling the Year-on-Year Inflation Rate in December 2023 takes center stage in a special program on the West Sulawesi Indonesian Republic Television (TVRI). Tina Wahyufitri, the Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Sulbar, attended the event to provide an in-depth explanation of the strategies and measures taken to maintain the economic stability of the region.

In an exclusive interview on TVRI Sulbar, Tina provided detailed explanations regarding the controlled inflation achievements of Mamuju. "What makes Mamuju achieve the best inflation control is the effective management of commodities that contribute the most to inflation, such as rice and fish," she stated.

Tina also elucidated the process of collecting inflation data, mentioning that BPS visits selected markets based on the Cost of Living Survey, with traders serving as respondents. "Based on the 2018 Cost of Living Survey, the major commodities are rice, gasoline, kretek cigarettes, and skipjack fish, followed by other commodities," she added.

Furthermore, she highlighted that Mamuju's controlled inflation achievement is closely linked to excellent collaboration with the Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) of West Sulawesi Province.

"We regularly attend TPID every Thursday to present weekly price monitoring, where BPS utilizes data from the SP2KP Disperindagkop UKM Sulbar, which has been previously aligned," Tina explained.

Through this interview, Tina expressed her hope that the data generated by BPS, both from the Cost of Living Survey and the Consumer Price Survey, can be utilized to the fullest by TPID. This includes the public being able to scrutinize the dynamics of inflation developments effectively.

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