Interviewed by TVRI, BPS Sulbar Explains Mamuju's Year on Year Inflation in December 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Interviewed by TVRI, BPS Sulbar Explains Mamuju's Year on Year Inflation in December 2023

Interviewed by TVRI, BPS Sulbar Explains Mamuju's Year on Year Inflation in December 2023

January 5, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju, January 5, 2024 - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi (Sulbar) has garnered national media attention, particularly from TVRI, as it was interviewed regarding the Year on Year inflation data in Mamuju for December 2023, which stood at 1.82 percent.

The interview became a crucial moment to provide an overview of the economic conditions and prices in the Mamuju region to the public. The 1.82 percent Year on Year inflation indicates that the development of prices for goods and services is still under control.

Dina Srikandi, the Coordinator of Statistical Distribution Activities at BPS Sulbar, conveyed in the interview that this relatively low inflation figure is a result of appropriate policies in managing the local economic stability. "We continually strive to provide insights based on accurate data to the Regional Government so that the policies implemented can have a positive impact on the purchasing power of the community," she stated.

Furthermore, Dina Srikandi explained that commodities contributing significantly to Mamuju's year on year inflation include rice, red chili, bird's eye chili, filtered clove cigarettes, and air transportation.

In the interview, BPS Sulbar also emphasized the importance of collaboration between local governments, businesses, and the community in maintaining economic stability. With good cooperation, it is hoped to create a conducive economic environment and benefit all parties involved.

By presenting the Year on Year inflation data for Mamuju in December 2023 through the TVRI interview, it is expected that the public can better understand the economic dynamics in the region and gain a broader perspective on price conditions and government efforts to maintain economic stability.

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