BPS West Sulawesi Conducts IDI 2023 Socialization at Kesbangpol - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS West Sulawesi Conducts IDI 2023 Socialization at Kesbangpol

BPS West Sulawesi Conducts IDI 2023 Socialization at Kesbangpol

June 12, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju, June 12, 2024 - Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, delivered a socialization of the Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) of West Sulawesi Province at the Kesbangpol Office of West Sulawesi Province on Wednesday (12/6). Tina was accompanied by the West Sulawesi BPS IDI preparation activity team, namely Sri Mulyani, Anindrasari, and Immawan Mujahid Maruddani. The socialization participants consisted of Plt. Head of the West Sulawesi Kesbangpol Office, heads of fields, and employees. 

"The IDI of West Sulawesi (Sulbar) in 2023 amounted to 74.55 from 2022 of 74.03 points or an increase of 0.53 points, this figure is in the medium category," Tina said. Tina said that the information on IDI figures is useful for evaluating the extent of the development and implementation of democracy in Bumi Manakarra, if the IDI value is good, it means that the government has been able to accommodate the various interests and aspirations of the people of West Sulawesi.

When viewed more deeply, there are three aspects that make up the IDI, namely aspects of freedom, aspects of equality and aspects of the capacity of democratic institutions. "IDI data is able to show aspects or indicators that are not developing in a province so that things can be done to improve the development of democracy in West Sulawesi," he explained.

"Therefore, the next challenge of democracy, namely efforts to increase the IDI figure next year, requires collaboration between OPDs and is also supported by related stakeholders in order to boost the achievement of indicators that are still red or low value," explained Tina.

In the same place Plt. The Head of the West Sulawesi Kesbangpol Agency, Muh. Yusuf Tahir expressed his gratitude for the increase in the West Sulawesi IDI figure of 2023 or still in the medium category. "The increase in the West Sulawesi IDI figure is very encouraging for all of us, this can be a trigger for all of us to improve performance related to this IDI," he explained. "We are optimistic that the 2024 IDI can be even better, given the success of the Simultaneous Election event in February, of course we hope for the same success in the 2024 elections in November as part of the indicators that become IDI assessments," he concluded.

The socialization event was closed with the submission of a certificate of appreciation for the performance of BPS West Sulawesi under the leadership of Tina Wahyufitri in supporting priority programs in West Sulawesi. (*)

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