Head of BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province Attends TPAKD Coordination Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Head of BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province Attends TPAKD Coordination Meeting

Head of BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province Attends TPAKD Coordination Meeting

June 20, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju, 20 June 2024 – Head of BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province, Tina Wahyufitri, attended the Sulawesi Barat Province Regional Financial Access Acceleration Acceleration Team (TPAKD) coordination meeting at Graha Sandeq, Sulawesi Barat Governor's Office Complex on Thursday (20/6). This activity invited all OPD leaders, Kadin Chair, HIPMI Chair, IWAPI Chair, APINDO Chair, REI Association Chair, Askrindo leaders, PHRI chair, Bank leaders, regents throughout Sulawesi Barat, and other invitees.

This coordination meeting raised the theme of Inclusive Economic Growth, Food Security/Sovereignty. The event began with singing the national anthem and reading prayers and reports from the committee, namely the Head of the Economic and Development Bureau. The speech was delivered by Acting. Governor of Sulawesi Barat, Dr. Bahtiar Baharuddin, M.Sc. He conveyed the importance of inclusiveness and economic sustainability. "The vision for Sulawesi Barat 2045 is clear, namely to create a Malaqbi, advanced and sustainable Sulawesi Barat in a green and blue socio-economic ecosystem," explained Bahtiar. He emphasized that currently the economy of Sulawesi Barat is dominated by palm oil and its derivatives which are not evenly felt by the community.

The first material was delivered by the Director of the OJK of Sulawesi Selatan-Sulawesi Barat Province with the theme The Role of TPAKD in Encouraging the Development of Leading Regional Commodities Through Accelerating Access to KUR Financing. The second material was delivered by the Head of the Sulawesi Barat Province DJPb Regional Office with the theme Budget Performance for the Regional Financial Access Acceleration Program in 2024. The third material with the theme The Role of LPS in maintaining Financial Stability in Sulawesi Barat was delivered by the Head of the Makassar LPS III Regional Office. Then, the final theme of the Role of the Private Sector in Community Economic Development in Sulawesi Barat was presented by the Director of PT Cipta Agry Pratama.

"The composition of bank credit in Sulawesi Barat based on type of use is still dominated by consumer credit at 51.41 percent, followed by working capital at 32.07 percent, the rest is investment, OJK has identified superior commodities per district to be the basis for financing targets," explained the Director of OJK Sulawesi Selatan, Budi Susetiyo. Furthermore, the Head of the Sulawesi Barat DJPb Regional Office said that the percentage of KUR distribution in 2023 was less than optimal, so intense coordination was needed to optimize it.

Fuad Zen, Head of LPS III Makassar Regional Office, explained the role of LPS and how to guarantee banking accounts in West Sulawesi. "Account coverage guaranteed by LPS reaches 99.99 percent of accounts at Commercial Banks and BPR Sulawesi Barat, apart from that, the risk of uninsured deposits in Sulawesi Barat is quite low," explained Fuad. Meanwhile, the Director of PT Cipta Agry Pratama, conveyed an optimistic message to participants that commodities cultivated by the community, such as bananas and others, were guaranteed to receive assistance from planting to export. "With what we are doing in other areas, we can be optimistic that the commodities being cultivated will get big profits," he explained.

In her response regarding this activity, the Head of BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province, Tina Wahyufitri, was impressed with the material presented by the speakers. "The material is good and adds insight which is certainly useful for economic policy in Sulawesi Barat," he said.

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