Strengthening Sectoral Statistics Development, BPS Sulbar Optimistic of Quality Price Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Strengthening Sectoral Statistics Development, BPS Sulbar Optimistic of Quality Price Data

Strengthening Sectoral Statistics Development, BPS Sulbar Optimistic of Quality Price Data

November 17, 2023 | Other Activities

Inflation control is one of the national priority programs where the government monitors daily prices using SP2KP (Market and Basic Needs Monitoring System) data. To improve the quality of SP2KP Mamuju data, BPS has the task of providing sectoral statistical guidance to the Department of Industry and Trade. The meeting, which was attended by the entire inflation task force team from the Economic and Development Bureau, the Food Security Service, and the Cooperatives and Trade Service, was held in the Meeting Room of the Economic and Development Bureau Office on Friday (17/11).

Head of West Sulawesi Province BPS, Tina Wahyufitri, explained that according to careful monitoring of price developments on SP2KP with the SHK data released by BPS, it turns out that it shows harmony. This needs to be maintained by the department by finalizing the business process for collecting price data. “We appreciate what the Koperindag Department has done. "With the sectoral statistical guidance that has been provided by BPS, it is hoped that SP2KP data will be available that meets standards, especially during the price monitoring period until December," appealed Tina.

From the discussion between BPS and the department, Eka Khaerandy Oktafianto as supervisor of sectoral statistics shared his experience that in statistical activities BPS West Sulawesi always applies an early warning system. "The Early Warning System is a system to improve quality and prevent or detect early errors in field data collection," said Eka.

The early warning process goes through various stages, starting from the supervisor filling out the supervision form, then the MK Team processing the supervision results, to the process of evaluating the MK results, reviewing the leadership, and following up the evaluation to the District BPS.

At the end of the event, the entire inflation task force team present expressed their appreciation and thanks to the West Sulawesi Province BPS team for the guidance provided, and agreed to make several improvements to the SP2KP business process.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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