October 24, 2023 | BPS Activities
[Mamuju, 24 October 2023] – In an effort to ensure quality and
accuracy of agricultural data, BPS West Sulawesi Province held a verification meeting
data from processing the 2023 Agricultural Census. This activity is a step
important in improving the quality of data needed for planning
and development of the agricultural sector.
The 2023 Agricultural Census has been completed by BPS, including data collection
individual agricultural business (UTP), legal entity agricultural company (UPB),
and other agricultural businesses (UTL). Currently, the ST2023 stage is currently in progress
carried out by BPS are the stages of data processing and verification of ST2023 data.
The processing stage is scheduled for July – September 2023. In condition 22
September 2023, the progress of document entry for West Sulawesi Province has been completed 100
In implementing ST2023 data verification, BPS West Sulawesi Province is currently carrying out data verification
carry out follow-up data anomaly checks consisting of 3 types
follow-up, namely direct repairs, confirmation to officers, and groundcheck.
Apart from these three types of follow-up, BPS West Sulawesi Province also returned
check the number of UTPs, namely by reviewing suitability
the number of UTPs in the REPO ST2023 application compared with the Processing Results
ST2023 data on the ST2023 entry web.
Many stages have been passed in the implementation of the Agricultural Census
2023. In making ST2023 a success, BPS needs everyone's role
stakeholders, in this case the Regional Development Planning Agency, Dinas
Food Crops, Horticulture and Livestock, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service,
Plantation Service, Forestry Service, and Food Security Service.
Head of BPS West Sulawesi Province, Tina Wahyufitri stated, "Activities
Verification of ST2023 Processing Data Results is very much needed as a means
in producing quality agricultural data. In this activity,
It is hoped that optimal scrutiny of the processing data will be carried out
while ST2023.”
BPS Main Expert Statistics, Adi Lumaksono added, "Team internal collaboration
ST2023 BPS as well as Ministries, Institutions and Regional Governments are necessary
strengthened, continue to work together in making ST2023 a success as an activity
national interests for the common good.”
BPS West Sulawesi Province would like to thank all parties involved
has been involved in the 2023 Agricultural Census process and data verification activities.
With accurate and reliable data, Head of BPS Sulawesi Province
The West hopes to advance and improve the agricultural sector
welfare of farmers in Indonesia, especially in West Sulawesi.
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