January 9, 2024 | Other Activities
Mamuju, January 9 2024 - Taking place in the BPS West Sulawesi Hall and via the Zoom Meeting platform, the 2024 BPS West Sulawesi Change Champion (CC) election took place successfully on Tuesday, January 9 2024, from 08.00 WITA to 10.15 WITA. This activity is the first step in implementing a change program which is expected to have a positive impact on the quality of BPS West Sulawesi services.
This event began with remarks and directions from the Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, who emphasized the importance of the Change Champion role in encouraging positive change.
"The selected Change Champion must be able to design an effective roadmap for the next year, in line with the West Sulawesi BPS change program which focuses on collaborative work culture, learner character and innovation," said Tina.
After the speech and direction from the Head of BPS West Sulawesi, he continued with a presentation of the programs and ideas of each of the six candidates in front of BPS West Sulawesi employees.
The programs and ideas presented by the 6 Change Champion candidates are as follows:
Muhammad Said:
Coffee Morning
Coaching Clinic
Development of Sectoral Statistics
Sharing Knowledge
Satker Assistance Achieves WBK/WBBM Predicate
Sundari Budiani:
Carry out follow-up actions on recommendations from the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform
Inventory of superior programs in the service sector
Innovations related to thematic RB (controlling inflation, alleviating poverty, increasing investment)
Evaluation before and after implementing the work program innovation
Public Service Innovation: bringing closer, easier, faster services with broadcast
Eka Khaerandy O:
Quarterly regular meetings (monev).
Daily Individual Performance Innovation
Increased sectoral guidance and providing insight to data users
ISO 9001:2015 certification
Assistance to District BPS WBK work units, media management and positive campaigns
Pertiwi Tanihaha:
3K - Commitment, Consistency, Control
Role models, mindset changes, IT optimization, increasing HR professionalism
Monitoring and evaluating change implementation
Public awareness through the media
Sri Mulyani:
Selection of Change Ambassadors
RB Thematic Knowledge Sharing theme
Development of Sectoral Statistics
Family Gatherings
Dina Srikandi:
Improved service performance
Programs/innovations that touch the community
Monitoring and evaluation
Good media management, public campaigns
An enthusiastic and enthusiastic atmosphere permeated the Hall. BPS West Sulawesi employees look full of enthusiasm and are ready to provide support for the Change Champion selection process. Their presence is a manifestation of their strong determination to develop the organization and achieve higher achievements in the future.
After the presentations from each candidate ended, it was time for West Sulawesi BPS employees to enter the selection stage. They carried out the election through the voting link provided by the committee, selecting the 3 best candidates in the process.
The three change champion candidates selected were: Muhammad Said, who won the highest number of votes in first position, followed by Pertiwi Tanihaha, with the most votes in 2nd position, and Sri Mulyani, with the highest number of votes in 3rd position.
Next, the Bureaucratic Reform Team (Change Management) together with the HR Bureau Team will carry out an assessment process on Change Champion candidates and present the results to the Change Leader of each echelon II work unit.
Head of the General Section of BPS West Sulawesi, Markus Uda, conveyed the need for joint cooperation to achieve WBBM. Regency BPS was asked to immediately prepare evidence supporting WBK.
"It is hoped that the change steps initiated by Change Champion can create quality data as a basis for policy and insight at BPS West Sulawesi in 2024," concluded Markus.
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