Ratekda: BPS Sulbar Strengthens Collaboration to Succeed Data Collection of PL-KUMKM 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province


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Ratekda: BPS Sulbar Strengthens Collaboration to Succeed Data Collection of PL-KUMKM 2023

Ratekda: BPS Sulbar Strengthens Collaboration to Succeed Data Collection of PL-KUMKM 2023

August 28, 2023 | BPS Activities

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) for West Sulawesi Province (Sulbar) will conduct a Complete Data Collection on Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in 2023 (PL-KUMKM 2023). Collaboration and strategic cooperation are needed for the success of the data collection activities.

Head of West Sulawesi BPS, Tina Wahyufitri said data collection would be held for approximately one month.

Data collection was carried out door to door from 15 September to 14 October 2023," he said when opening the Regional Technical Meeting (Ratekda) at the Maleo Hotel, Monday (28/8).

He added that the information collected includes information on business units/companies, information on business actors and information on business characteristics, information on human resources, information on production/business processes, marketing information and information on financial status.

PL-KUMKM 2023 is intended to obtain data profiles of cooperatives and MSMEs engaged in various business activities except agriculture.

"The resulting output is in the form of a single database of Cooperatives and UMKM by name by address," he said again.

In order for the data collection to run smoothly, BPS Sulbar conducted a Ratekda which was attended by 4 Regency BPS which was held on Sunday (27/8) to Tuesday (29/8).

"We hope that this Ratekda will increase understanding and create a single database for Indonesian KUMKM through an integrated, precise, measurable and accountable information system," he said.

He also stressed the need to strengthen collaboration and strategic cooperation to make the 2023 Comprehensive Data Collection for Cooperatives and MSMEs successful.

The Ratekda was opened by Assistant II to the West Sulawesi Provincial Government, Yakub F. Solon.

In his remarks, he said that the KUMKM UDB was expected to be able to realize data-driven policy making so as to increase program effectiveness and budget efficiency.

"Therefore, I very much welcome the regional technical meeting (Ratekda) PL KUMKM in 2023," said Jacob.

At the Ratekda, three speakers were lined up to present material, namely the Head of the West Sulawesi DJPb Regional Office, Tjahjo Purnomo, Head of the West Sulawesi Trade, Industry, Cooperative and UKM Office, Bau Akram Dai, and BRI Mamuju Branch Manager, Octarez Abi Ibrahim.

Tjahjo in his presentation conveyed the process of implementing the activity budget in the 2023 Complete Data Collection for Cooperatives and MSMEs

"Results of coordination with DJA and Directorate of PA DJPb The pattern used is not centralized," he said.

In this non-centralized PNBP usage pattern, it is carried out by PNBP-producing work units, using the PNBP deposit code for PNBP-producing work units, and used for PNBP-producing work units.

On the other hand, Bau Akram explained the use of one KUMKM data for West Sulawesi's economic development.

"Complete collection of Cooperatives and SMEs in 2023 is also urgently needed, because one of the Acting progules. The governor of West Sulawesi is strengthening the branding of processed coffee, chocolate and rattan production," said Akram.

BRI Mamuju Branch Manager, Octarez Abi Ibrahim also said that BRI has a MSME coaching program to upgrade.

"We are ready to help with the MSME database that we have for initial identification. We are also ready to provide excellent service for the payment process for activities, "he concluded.

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