Deflation in Mamuju City in April 2013 was 0.48 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province


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Deflation in Mamuju City in April 2013 was 0.48 Percent

Deflation in Mamuju City in April 2013 was 0.48 PercentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 1, 2013
File Size : 0.81 MB


Based on the results of the Consumer Price Survey of 66 cities in Indonesia in April 2013, it showed that 28 cities experienced inflation and 38 other cities experienced deflation. The highest inflation occurred in Padang Sidempuan 0.81 percent with CPI 139.62 and the lowest in Kendari 0.01 percent with CPI 141.43, while the highest deflation occurred in Maumere 1.20 percent with CPI 155.34 and the lowest in Tanjung Pinang 0 , 01 percent with CPI 137.42. With deflation of 0.48 percent and CPI 139.54, Mamuju ranks 11th highest in cities experiencing deflation.

Mamuju experienced calendar year inflation (December 2012 - April 2013) of 0.94 percent and a year on year inflation rate (April 2012 - April 2013) of 3.59 percent.

Indonesia in April 2013 experienced a deflation of 0.09 percent, with CPI 138.64. The inflation rate of the Indonesian calendar year (December 2012 - April 2013) was 2.32 percent and the inflation rate "year on year" (April 2012 - April 2013) was 5.57 percent.

Deflation in Mamuju in April 2013 was mainly caused by a very significant decrease in the consumer price index in the foodstuffs group, which amounted to -1.97 percent. Meanwhile, six other expenditure groups experienced an increase in the consumer price index, including: processed foods, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco 0.30 percent, housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel 0.03 percent, clothing group 0 , 18 percent, the health group 0.15 percent, the education, recreation and sports group 0.04 percent and the transport, communication and financial services group 0.02 percent.

The decrease in the foodstuffs group was only due to a decrease in four sub-groups, namely: the grains, tubers and their products sub-group -0.04 percent, the meat sub-group and their products -0.86 percent, the preserved fish sub-group -0.83 percent and the spices sub-group -16.30 percent. However, a significant decrease in the spices sub group with a share of inflation of -0.69 percent, was able to make the foodstuff group even in general Mamuju experienced deflation.

The dominant commodities contributing to inflation were: 0.08 percent shallots, skipjack tuna 0.05 percent, and milk fish, flying fish, katamba fish, cayenne pepper, granulated sugar and clove cigarettes at 0.02 percent each. Meanwhile, the dominant commodities suppressing the inflation rate were: garlic -0.76 percent, as well as red chili, pedigree meat and carrots -0.02 percent.
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