Inflation Mamuju City January 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Inflation Mamuju City January 2013

Inflation Mamuju City January 2013Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 1, 2013
File Size : 0.76 MB


Based on the results of the Consumer Price Survey of 66 cities in Indonesia in January 2013, it showed that 62 cities experienced inflation and 4 other cities experienced deflation. The highest inflation occurred in Sibolga 3.78 percent with CPI 145.96 and the lowest in Pontianak 0.01 percent with CPI 146.32, while the highest deflation occurred in Sorong 0.98 percent with CPI 152.00 and the lowest in Ternate 0.20 percent with CPI 136.59. With inflation of 0.27 percent and CPI 138.62 Mamuju ranks 59th highest in cities and cities experiencing inflation.

Mamuju's "year on year" inflation rate (December 2012 - January 2013) of 3.19 percent Mamuju ranks 59th out of 66 cities.

Indonesia in January 2013 experienced inflation of 1.03 percent, with CPI of 136.88, while Indonesia's "year on year" inflation rate (December 2012 - January 2013) was 4.57 percent.

Inflation in Mamuju in January 2013 was mainly due to an increase in the consumer price index in four expenditure groups, namely: the education, recreation and sports group 1.05 percent; housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel group 0.69 percent; health group 0.52 percent; and foodstuffs 0.37 percent. Meanwhile, the processed food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco group of clothing and transportation, communication and financial services group were -0.01 percent, 0.06 percent and -0.28 percent respectively.

The increase in the foodstuffs group was mainly due to the share of inflation in the grains, tubers and their produce sub-group and the spices sub-group by 0,12 percent, while the increase in the housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel, mainly due to the large share of inflation in the housing cost sub-group 0.19 percent.

The dominant commodities contributing to inflation were: non-foreman artisan 0.18 percent, rice 0.12 percent, onion 0.05 percent, chicken eggs 0.04 percent, garlic, cayenne pepper and academies / colleges respectively 0.03 percent, and red chili and 0.02 percent water spinach. Meanwhile, the dominant commodities suppressing the inflation rate were living chicken -0.06 percent, air transportation -0.05 percent, flying fish -0.04 percent, sugar, coconut oil and household fuels -0.03 percent and spinach -0.02 percent.
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