Hotel Room Occupancy Rate in West Sulawesi Decreases - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Hotel Room Occupancy Rate in West Sulawesi Decreases

Hotel Room Occupancy Rate in West Sulawesi Decreases

February 3, 2025 | BPS Activities

Mamuju, February 3, 2025 – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi Province released the latest developments regarding the hotel room occupancy rate in the region for the period of December 2024. Based on data presented in a press release by the Head of BPS of West Sulawesi Province, Tina Wahyufitri, the occupancy rate of star-rated hotels in West Sulawesi experienced a significant decline compared to the previous month.

“The Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) of star-rated hotels in West Sulawesi in December 2024 was recorded at 41.65 percent, a decrease of 9.99 points from November 2024 which was 51.64 percent,” said Tina Wahyufitri. She explained that this decline was due to the reduction in the number of meeting or event packages held at star-rated hotels in that month.

On the other hand, the occupancy rate of non-star-rated hotels increased. In December 2024, the ROR of non-star hotels reached 20.15 percent, up 2.47 points from the previous month which was 17.68 percent. The average length of stay of domestic guests in star-rated hotels in December 2024 was 1.16 days, down 0.06 days compared to November 2024, while foreign guests increased to 1.30 days.

In terms of the number of domestic tourist trips, there was a significant increase. Domestic tourist trips from West Sulawesi reached 428,584 trips, up 57.03 percent from the previous month. Meanwhile, the number of domestic tourists traveling to West Sulawesi was recorded at 380,630 trips, an increase of 44.19 percent compared to November 2024.

In comparison with other provinces on Sulawesi Island, West Sulawesi recorded the lowest ROR of star-rated hotels, at 41.65 percent, while Central Sulawesi recorded the highest ROR of 68.83 percent. Nationally, the average ROR for starred hotels reached 58.10 percent.

Month to Month (M to M), Central Sulawesi was the only province in Sulawesi that experienced an increase in the ROR for starred hotels, which was 7.02 points. Meanwhile, West Sulawesi experienced the deepest decline of 9.99 points. Year on Year (Y on Y), when compared to December 2023, the ROR for starred hotels in West Sulawesi fell by 6.49 points, making it the deepest decline among other provinces in Sulawesi.

Meanwhile, for the ROR for non-starred hotels, North Sulawesi recorded the highest figure of 28.01 percent, while Gorontalo was the lowest at 17.42 percent. Nationally, the average ROR for non-starred hotels was 28.48 percent.

"This data shows the dynamics of tourism in West Sulawesi, where even though the occupancy rate of starred hotels has decreased, the number of tourist trips has actually increased quite significantly," concluded Tina.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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