BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province Holds 2024 SPD-PMTB Officer Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province Holds 2024 SPD-PMTB Officer Training

BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province Holds 2024 SPD-PMTB Officer Training

June 14, 2024 | BPS Activities

BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province Holds 2024 SPD-PMTB Officer Training

Mamuju, 14 June 2024 – BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province held training for 2024 Gross Fixed Capital Formation Disaggregation Survey officers (SPD-PMTB 2024) for 3 days effectively on a hybrid basis. Two days were held online on Monday and Tuesday (10-11/6) and one day was held offline at the Maleo Mamuju Hotel, Thursday (13/6). The training participants consisted of provincial officers and all districts throughout West Sulawesi. The event was opened by the Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri.

In her remarks at the opening of the training, Tina expressed her appreciation to the Head of the district BPS and the person in charge of activities who had completed all the previous year's Balance Sheet activities well. He also advised about the importance of always improving data quality so that data can be provided according to its purpose. "The aim of providing PMTB Disaggregation Data is to support the achievement of the 1st National Priority, namely Strengthening Economic Resilience for Quality and Fair Growth, so it is important to always pay attention to data quality," explained Tina.

He also reminded that the SPD-PMTB non-probability sampling method allows bias, so additional information from the field is needed, although of course the sample selection has taken into account the representativeness of information in the field. "The 2024 SPD-PMTB consists of 10 types of questionnaires with a smaller sample size than the previous year, but still prioritizes the representation of information regarding building and non-building PMTB," continued Tina.

The training ran smoothly for 3 effective days with interactive discussions guided by the National Instructor, M. Fajar Firmansyah. The training results were quite satisfactory with an average score of 89.19, the lowest score was 80.13 and the highest was 99.00. This result is also in line with the target of the Head of BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province, Tina Wahyufitri, of a minimum of 75 for partners and a minimum of 80 for BPS organics.

M. La'bi, head of the Regional Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis team at BPS-Statistic of Sulawesi Barat Province, advised the training participants that the balance sheet survey was slightly different from other surveys. Patience is required in filling out and in-depth interviews are needed to obtain comprehensive information. He also advised us to maintain health and always coordinate when we encounter problems in the field. "Hopefully everyone will always be healthy and always coordinate when they encounter problems in the field," he concluded.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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