Launching SAPOTA: A Form of One InDONESIA Data Collaboration in West Sulawesi6 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Launching SAPOTA: A Form of One InDONESIA Data Collaboration in West Sulawesi6

Launching SAPOTA: A Form of One InDONESIA Data Collaboration in West Sulawesi6

April 29, 2024 | Other Activities

West Sulawesi, 29 April 2024 – The West Sulawesi Province Central Statistics Agency (BPS) welcomes the launch of the One Data Portal Application (SAPOTA) by the West Sulawesi Provincial Government. This application is a significant step forward in realizing integrated and easily accessible data governance in West Sulawesi.

"In this digital era, data has become a very valuable asset for the progress of a nation. Quality and easily accessible data is the key to making appropriate and evidence-based policies," said Head of BPS West Sulawesi Province, Tina Wahyufitri.

SAPOTA is here to answer this need by providing a platform that allows all agencies in West Sulawesi to share and manage data centrally. With SAPOTA, statistical data in West Sulawesi will become more easily accessible to various parties, from the government, academics, business actors, to the general public.

"This will encourage transparency and accountability in data management, as well as increase collaboration between agencies in producing quality data," explained Tina.

Furthermore, Tina said that SAPOTA would also help accelerate development and create a developed and empowered West Sulawesi. BPS West Sulawesi Province is committed to fully supporting the implementation of SAPOTA and will continue to work closely with the West Sulawesi Provincial Government to ensure that the data available in SAPOTA meets the One Data Indonesia principle.

"I invite all parties in West Sulawesi to make maximum use of SAPOTA. Let's use data as a tool to encourage progress and create a better West Sulawesi," concluded Tina.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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