BPS Sulbar and Kesbangpol succrasfully held FGD IDI 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS Sulbar and Kesbangpol succrasfully held FGD IDI 2023

BPS Sulbar and Kesbangpol succrasfully held FGD IDI 2023

April 3, 2024 | Other Activities

Bps Sulbar and Badan Kesbangpol successfully held FGD IDI 2023

The National Unity and Politics agency (Kesbangpol) of West Sulawesi province and bps Sulbar held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) 2023 on Wednesday (03/04/2024). The event which was held in the Hall of Hotel Berkah Mamuju was attended by various groups, ranging from government agencies, academics, political parties, and NGOs. This activity is one of the stages in the preparation of IDI 2023 which aims to show the level of development of democracy in Indonesia.

Secretary of West Sulawesi, Muhammad Idris, who opened the FGD event said that this FGD Idi activity must be carried out to measure the extent of the implementation and development of West Sulawesi democracy in 2023. "Political decisions are very important for the progress of a region, political decisions will be qualified if the democracy runs smoothly,” he continued. Although the IDI of West Sulawesi in 2022 of 74.03 is still below the national figure of 80.41 and is in the medium category (60-80), the implementation of democracy must remain under control. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the three aspects used as components of the IDI calculation (freedom, equality, and capacity of democratic institutions).

The head of BPS Sulbar, Tina wahyufitri, on the same occasion said that IDI as an index built since 2009 is a collaboration between BPS, kemenkopolhukam, Bappenas, and the Ministry of Home Affairs. “The principles and values of IDI are not to be compared between provinces but to examine how our province is progressing at the Democratic level,” Tina explained. Currently, the number of West Sulawesi IDI is getting better, according to him, civil liberties are not only influenced by the government and officials, public awareness of freedom of Assembly and opinion also needs to be considered.

The IDI FGD was carried out by conveying the results of coding newspapers and documents that were the findings of the BPS team, then a joint discussion was held about the feasibility of the coding as data in the IDI calculation. Idi event took place in an intense and interesting. Each participant who was guided by this facilitator went smoothly and the results will be continued in-depth interviews to confirm and add information from the speakers/experts who attended. (*)

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