March 5, 2024 | Other Activities
Head of BPS West Sulawesi, TIna Wahyufitri, was one of the participants in the Fiscal Seminar held by the West Sulawesi DJPb Regional Office on Tuesday (5/3) at the Grand Maleo Mamuju Hotel. The seminar with the theme Synergy of Central and Regional Programs in Supporting Regional Economic Acceleration presented speakers, namely the Head of the West Sulawesi DJPb Regional Office, the Head of the West Sulawesi BPKPD, and the West Sulawesi BI Representative, and was moderated by academics from Unsulbar.
As a data provider agency, the role of BPS West Sulawesi Province is very vital in the regional fiscal study prepared by DJPb West Sulawesi Province to analyze the economy and development targets of West Sulawesi. "In the news released by BPS West Sulawesi, the inflation rate for West Sulawesi is well below the national figure, economic growth is also good above the national average, TPT is also good below the national average," explained Masriadi, Head of BPKPD West Sulawesi.
According to him, this is something to be grateful for, even though there is still some homework left. "We still have homework because poverty is still above the national level and the stunting rate is the second highest nationally, and the school enrollment rate is still low and the early marriage rate is still high," continued Masriadi.
Tjahyo Purnomo, Head of the West Sulawesi Province DJPb Regional Office, added that the increase in West Sulawesi's HDI is still very low compared to the increase in the national HDI. Various efforts have been made, but the poverty rate in West Sulawesi Province is still high, so collaboration and communication between agencies in West Sulawesi Province is needed in order to alleviate this problem. There is a need for a laboratory to solve problems in West Sulawesi with academics as the lead.
The strategy to strengthen the West Sulawesi economy suggested by the resource person representing BI for West Sulawesi Province, Argo Hadianto, is to focus on the dominant share in West Sulawesi, such as the plantation sub-sector which contributes 16 percent to the West Sulawesi economy.
In the "closing statement" session, the Head of BPS West Sulawesi, who was accompanied by the PJK for Preparing GRDP/Economic Growth of BPS West Sulawesi, M. La'bi, emphasized that BPS West Sulawesi will continue to be committed to providing quality data for policy interventions. "To encourage economic growth in West Sulawesi, support for infrastructure development is needed, such as state roads, dams, irrigation, etc. as well as optimal use of village funds," explained La'bi. He also emphasized the importance of clear regulations for investors. "Regional government policy intervention is needed to attract investors to invest in West Sulawesi, such as providing clear regulations," concluded La'bi.
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