Satisfaction of Data Users Towards BPS West Sulawesi Province Services in 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Satisfaction of Data Users Towards BPS West Sulawesi Province Services in 2023

Satisfaction of Data Users Towards BPS West Sulawesi Province Services in 2023

January 17, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju - Consumers of BPS West Sulawesi Province continue to express high satisfaction with the services provided, as revealed in the 2023 Consumer Satisfaction Index (CSI) reaching 94.15. This value indicates that the quality of services provided by BPS West Sulawesi Province remains excellent, although there has been a slight decrease compared to the previous year.

Consumer satisfaction data for 2023 was obtained through the BPS West Sulawesi Province Data Needs Survey (DNS) conducted from May to July 2023. In addition to providing an overview of consumer satisfaction levels, DNS2023 also describes the characteristics of data users and the types of data most needed.

According to the results of DNS 2023, consumers in PST BPS West Sulawesi Province are still dominated by males at 66.20%, while the remaining 33.80% are female consumers. Meanwhile, 45.07% of consumers have a D4/S1 education level, and 60.56% have their main occupation as civil servants/military/police. The majority of consumers come from local government at 47.89%, with the most extensive data usage for government purposes at 66.20%.

The variety of data most needed by consumers is social statistics data, accounting for 77.30% of total data users, with poverty data as the most sought-after type (102 person-data), followed by population data (93 person-data). Provincial-level data is the most sought after by consumers, reaching 53.69%. Most consumers of PST BPS West Sulawesi Province still need data on an annual basis, amounting to 85.71%.

Despite a slight decrease, the results of DNS 2023 indicate that consumers remain satisfied with the aspects of services, data access, and infrastructure provided by BPS West Sulawesi Province, with satisfaction rates exceeding 98%. User satisfaction is also reflected in the aspects of data quality, where more than 89% of consumers express satisfaction with the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of the provided data. The CSI value for data quality in 2023 reached 94.15, confirming that the quality of data from BPS West Sulawesi Province remains in the excellent category.

Regarding the results of DNS 2023, Tina Wahyufitri, Head of BPS West Sulawesi Province, stated that consumer feedback would serve as a guide to continuously improve the quality of BPS West Sulawesi Province services to better meet the needs of data users. This was conveyed in the release of the DNS 2023 results earlier this month.

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