BPS Sulbar Change Agent Network Workshop Teaches Change Catalyst Skills - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS Sulbar Change Agent Network Workshop Teaches Change Catalyst Skills

BPS Sulbar Change Agent Network Workshop Teaches Change Catalyst Skills

August 29, 2023 | Other Activities

Mamuju - BPS West Sulawesi Province held a change agent network workshop on Tuesday (29/08) at the Grand Maleo Hotel & Convention Mamuju. A number of BPS Sulbar change ambassadors were given change catalyst skills.

Head of West Sulawesi BPS, Tina Wahyufitri in her remarks said that a better direction of change must be implemented for positive and sustainable development within an agency.

"In realizing this goal, a Change Agent Network was formed consisting of Change Leaders, Change Champions and Change Ambassadors in each Provincial BPS work unit, as well as Change Leaders and Change Ambassadors in each Regency BPS work unit as agents tasked with coordinating programs change” said Tina.

Tina further said that the support from the Change Agent Network itself is manifested in actions to: 1) Build an Integrity Zone; 2) Creating clean governance; 3) creating optimal public services; 4) form an accountable bureaucracy; 5) Form a professional HR apparatus.

In her direction, Tina reminded Change Champion and Change Ambassador not only to focus on work culture, but also to provide alternative solutions to technical activities to achieve an agile, agile and fast bureaucracy.

"There needs to be an initiative mindset that is radical and gradual, top down and bottom up, inside-out, outside-in, and inside-in," he said.

Tina advised CAN to become pioneers of positive change in their respective work environments.

"I hope CAN is able to become a pioneer of active and real change in efforts to develop an Integrity Zone in the West Sulawesi Province area," said Tina.

In line with the message conveyed at the opening, the resource person for the Change Agent Network Workshop, Head of the Mamuju KPKNL, Helvita Dorojatun said that changes in mindset and culture set must continue to be encouraged so that the bureaucracy is able to show its performance.

"The bureaucracy must be more agile, simple, adaptive, innovative, and able to work effectively and efficiently," said Helvita.

Furthermore, Helvita shared the success stories and best practices of the Mamuju KPKNL in achieving the WBBM title through her presentation.

According to him, there are 5 strategies to accelerate the development of integrity zones including leadership commitment, ease of service, programs that touch the community, sustainable monitoring and evaluation, and media management.

Furthermore, two BPS internal sources, Dina Srikandi and Pertiwi Tanihaha, also presented their respective materials on Change Management and RB 2023 Governance, and Best Practices for Formulating Action Plans.

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