BPS Sulbar Organizes SPD-PMTB 2023 Training for Quality Investment Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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BPS Sulbar Organizes SPD-PMTB 2023 Training for Quality Investment Data

BPS Sulbar Organizes SPD-PMTB 2023 Training for Quality Investment Data

February 22, 2023 | BPS Activities

Training for survey officers for the disaggregation of gross fixed capital formation for 2023 (SPD-PMTB 2023) was held for 3 days, effective 19 to 21 February 2023 at the Grand Maleo Hotel Mamuju. Participants consisted of 32 people from all districts, partners and organics. Class A with national instructor Dwi Ardian from BPS Sulbar and class B with national instructor Sartika Andari Murti from BPS RI.

The opening was held on Sunday (19/2/2023) which was officially opened by Associate Expert Statistics, M. La'bi. In his remarks, La'bi hoped that all training participants would be able to take part in the training with high concentration and be proactive in discussions. "Usually there are 30 people in one class, specifically for PMTB, the training is carried out with only a dozen participants so that everyone can be monitored and proactive in training, there are many concepts, definitions and types of questionnaires that must be understood," explained La'bi.

La'bi also conveyed the importance of this survey, namely providing PMTB disaggregation data according to 24 types of assets, 3 institutional sectors, and 17 Indonesian business fields in 2019-2022 to support the achievement of national priority 1 "Strengthening economic resilience for quality and equitable growth ” in the 2023 Government Work Plan (RKP). "From this survey, we will obtain capital stock or investment by type of asset, so it is very useful for the government to plan and evaluate policies," continued La'bi.

The training takes place from 08.00 to 17.45 every day with lively discussions to explore problems that might be encountered in the field as well as understanding of various concepts and definitions. On the first day there was a pretest and on the last day there was a posttest, and in between the training there was a quiz which was made in an interesting way. Apart from that, role playing was also carried out with participants who could be samples who became respondents and other participants who were also interviewers.

The closing of the training was held on Tuesday (21/2/2023). In this session the best participants from each class were also announced. M. La'bi said he was satisfied because the results of the training posttest showed a very satisfactory score, with an average score of 90 with partners from Mamuju getting a perfect score. "Incredibly, partners on behalf of Baso Lolo get a score of 100, and the others also get good marks. I hope this will be an illustration of everyone's readiness to execute it in the field with quality data results," concluded La'bi.

The training ended with quite a variety of comments from the participants. There are those who admit that they are very ready to carry out their duties and there are those who still need assistance because they feel they are still new. "There are many types of questionnaires and concepts that must be understood so they still need to learn more. Later I will ask the subject matter in the district," commented Fany, one of the participants from Majene. (*ard)

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