March 2021, 0.36 percent inflation Mamuju - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province


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March 2021, 0.36 percent inflation Mamuju

Release Date : April 1, 2021
File Size : 0.23 MB


• In March 2021, Mamuju experienced inflation of 0.36 percent. Inflation is due to price increases shown by the increase in several indices group namely the expenditure of food, beverages and tobacco 0.98 percent; housing, water, electricity, and fuel 0.09 percent of households; health group 1.96 percent; and group personal care and other services 0.18 percent. Meanwhile, expenditure group that deflation is a group fixtures, equipment and routine household maintenance 0.33 percent; transport group 0.58 percent; and group information, communication and financial services 0.24 percent.
• The level of the index change of the calendar year in March 2021 in Mamuju recorded inflation of 2.93 percent and the rate of change in the index year-on-year (March 2021 to March 2020) showed a 3.31 percent inflation.
• Based on the Consumer Price Survey of 90 cities in Indonesia in March 2021, showed that 58 cities experienced inflation and 32 cities experienced deflation. The highest inflation was in Jayapura of 1.07 percent and the lowest in Tangerang and Banjarmasin respectively by 0.01 percent. While the highest deflation occurred in Bau-Bau by 0.99 percent and the lowest at 0.01 percent Palopo.

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