Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) of West Sulawesi in July 2013 was 103.75, down 1.23 percent compared to the June 2013 FTT which was 105.04. In addition, FTT according to the subsector was recorded for the Food Crop sub-sector (FT-P) 83.93; Horticulture Subsector (NTP-H) 88.49; People's Plantation Plant Subsector (NTP-R) 132.42; Animal Husbandry Subsector (NTP-T) 113.78; and Fisheries Subsector (NTN) 106.47.
The results of monitoring of rural consumer prices show rural inflation in West Sulawesi in July 2013 amounted to 3.63 percent, which was generally triggered by an increase in the price index of all expenditure groups namely food expenditure groups by 4.74 percent, processed food expenditure groups by 1, 16 percent, the housing expenditure group 1.67 percent, the clothing expenditure group 1.58 percent, the health expenditure group 1.12 percent, the education, recreation and sports expenditure group 1.79 percent, and the transportation and communication expenditure group 9.22 percent .
Inflation in rural areas occurred in all provinces, the highest in Jambi 4.31 percent and the lowest in South Kalimantan 1.66 percent. West Sulawesi, which experienced inflation of 3.63 percent, ranks 8th out of 32 provinces.
For the national scale, NTP in July 2013 was 104.58 and experienced rural inflation of 3.35 percent.