Based on the results of the Consumer Price Survey of 66 cities in Indonesia in July 2009, there were 62 cities experiencing inflation and 4 other cities experiencing deflation. Mamuju experienced deflation of 0.18 percent with CPI 118.69 and ranked 3rd of the cities experiencing deflation. The highest deflation in Jayapura was 0.56 percent with CPI 114.20 and the lowest in Samarinda was 0.18 percent with CPI 118.88. Meanwhile, the highest inflation occurred in Sorong 2.19 percent with CPI 135.04 and the lowest in Purwokerto 0.01 percent with CPI 114.57. The inflation rate of Mamuju City in 2009 (July 2009 to December 2008) was -0.47 percent, while the year-on-year inflation rate (July 2009 to July 2008) was 4.21 percent. Deflation in Mamuju in July 2009 was generally caused by a significant decrease in the consumer price index in the following three categories of goods and services: the foodstuffs group -1.04 percent; processed foods, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco group -0.02 percent; housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel group -0.11 percent. While the price index in the clothing group; health group; and education, recreation and sport groups each up 1.40 percent; 0.74 percent and 0.31 percent. Meanwhile, the transportation, communication and financial services group did not experience changes in the price index. Significant decrease in the foodstuffs group was caused by the magnitude of the negative inflation share in the fresh fish sub-group -0.29 percent, the vegetables sub-group -0.07 percent, the preserved fish sub-group -0.05 percent and the sub-group the meat group and the results are -0.01 percent. Meanwhile, a significant decrease in housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel was caused by the magnitude of the negative inflation share in the housing cost sub-group of -0.03 percent. Commodities contributing to negative inflation are: vegetable tomatoes, skipjack fresh fish and milkfish respectively -0.10 percent, kite fresh fish -0.04 percent, katamba fresh fish and salted fish each -0 each , 03 percent, and red chili, dried anchovies, gold jewelery and wet shrimp respectively -0.02 percent. Meanwhile, commodities that contributed positively to inflation were: women's blouses 0.05 percent, onions and chicken eggs 0.04 percent each, tomatoes 0.03 percent, and talcum powder, spinach, coconut oil and acids respectively - 0.02 percent ...