BPS West Sulawesi Evaluation of 2024 SEP in Mamasa - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province


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BPS West Sulawesi Evaluation of 2024 SEP in Mamasa

BPS West Sulawesi Evaluation of 2024 SEP in Mamasa

July 5, 2024 | BPS Activities

The West Sulawesi Central Statistics Agency (BPS) held an evaluation meeting for the 2024 Agricultural Economic Survey (SEP) in Mamasa Regency, discussing various issues related to data quality, performance management, and strengthening collaboration with OPD.

The 2024 SEP evaluation meeting at BPS Mamasa Regency was an important discussion area for all levels of BPS West Sulawesi. In her direction, the Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, emphasized the importance of maintaining data quality, improving performance, and strengthening collaboration with various parties.

"Statistics must be meaningful and impactful, ensure that BPS data can be used by the public at large," emphasized Tina.

He also gave directions to his staff to strengthen collaboration with local governments, socialize the statistics corner, and optimize the use of social media.

In addition, the Head of District BPS in West Sulawesi was asked to increase the provision of insights that change business processes for the consumers served.

The discussion also covered various technical issues related to SEP implementation, such as application use, data processing, and quality assurance. Apart from that, the meeting also discussed strategies for improving public services through the Statistics Corner and optimizing social media.

It is hoped that this evaluation meeting will be a momentum to improve the quality of statistical data in West Sulawesi, so that it can provide greater benefits for the community and regional development.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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