West Sulawesi Government Holds Musrenbang RPJPD, Discusses Regional Development Issues - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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West Sulawesi Government Holds Musrenbang RPJPD, Discusses Regional Development Issues

West Sulawesi Government Holds Musrenbang RPJPD, Discusses Regional Development Issues

April 18, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju, BPS Sulbar - The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of West Sulawesi Province (Sulbar) was also present at the Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbang) for the 2025-2045 Regional Long Term Development Plan (RPJPD) and the 2025 Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) which were held by the West Sulawesi Provincial Government on Thursday (18/4/2024) at the Grand Maleo Hotel & Convention Mamuju.

This activity was attended by the Acting Governor of West Sulawesi, Prof. Zudan Arif Fakhrulloh, Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, Head of BPSDM Ministry of Home Affairs, Dr. Sugeng Hariyono, M.Pd., representatives from the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, as well as other stakeholders.

In his speech, the Acting Governor of West Sulawesi conveyed several priority programs of the West Sulawesi Provincial Government, namely: completing the handling of the 4+1 problem (extreme poverty, stunting, children not going to school, young marriage, & inflation); making OPD closer to the community; improving the quality of human resources & public services; branding and marketing of West Sulawesi province; Digitalization of government governance; accelerate one data from West Sulawesi towards one data from Indonesia; carry out bureaucratic & policy reforms that have a direct impact on society; and building regional connectivity infrastructure and strengthening disaster mitigation.

He also expressed his thanks to the Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri for her contribution in providing quality data and statistics to support policy formulation in West Sulawesi.

"Thank you to Mrs. Tina, Head of BPS West Sulawesi who has always provided insight so that data management and statistics in West Sulawesi become better and more standardized so that the resulting data can be used to determine policies in dealing with 4 problems + 1 controlling inflation," said Prof. Zudan.

Furthermore, Prof. Zudan also said that to speed up problem solving and develop West Sulawesi, the main ideas must be directed thematically.

"For example, stunting thinking, ATS thinking, scholarship thinking, opening road access thinking, and so on," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, on this occasion said that BPS was ready to support the West Sulawesi Provincial Government in preparing the RPJPD and RKPD by providing accurate and up-to-date data and statistics.

"BPS is ready to synergize with the West Sulawesi Provincial Government and all stakeholders in preparing the RPJPD and RKPD. We will continue to provide accurate and up-to-date data and statistics to support development planning in West Sulawesi," said Tina.

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