Head of BPS West Sulawesi Receives Audience from Karo Ekbang West Sulawesi, Discusses Inflation - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Barat Province

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Head of BPS West Sulawesi Receives Audience from Karo Ekbang West Sulawesi, Discusses Inflation

Head of BPS West Sulawesi Receives Audience from Karo Ekbang West Sulawesi, Discusses Inflation

January 29, 2024 | Other Activities

Mamuju - Head of the West Sulawesi Province Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Tina Wahyufitri, received an audience visit from the Head of the Economic and Development Bureau (Ekbang), Hamdani Hamdan, on Monday (28/01) in the West Sulawesi Province BPS Office Hall. This meeting was held to discuss inflation conditions in Mamuju during 2023 and the results of the 2022 Cost of Living Survey.

In this friendly meeting, the Head of BPS West Sulawesi, Tina Wahyufitri, welcomed the visit from the Head of the Economic and Development Bureau and expressed the importance of cooperation between various government agencies in facing the ever-growing economic dynamics.

"Of course we are happy to be able to discuss and coordinate with the Economic and Development Bureau regarding economic conditions, especially inflation in Mamuju. This collaboration is important so that the policies taken can be more focused and have a positive impact on society," said Tina Wahyufitri.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Economic and Development Bureau, Hamdani Hamdan, expressed his appreciation for the transparency of BPS West Sulawesi in presenting economic data. "The collaboration between BPS and the Economic and Development Bureau is very strategic to formulate effective and sustainable economic policies. We need to understand the inflation conditions in Mamuju and the results of the cost of living survey to formulate appropriate steps," said Hamdani.

Intensive discussions between the two agency leaders covered various aspects, including factors influencing inflation, changes in living cost trends, and economic projections for the coming year. Both parties agreed to continue collaborating in producing accurate and relevant data to support effective policy making.

This meeting is a step in the framework of sustainable cooperation between BPS West Sulawesi and the Economic and Development Bureau to support sustainable economic growth in Mamuju and its surroundings. Both agencies hope that this collaboration will make a positive contribution to the economic development and welfare of the people of West Sulawesi.

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