January 3, 2024 | Other Activities
Mamuju, January 3, 2024 - The voice of the Central Statistics Agency of West Sulawesi (BPS Sulbar) resonates through the airwaves of Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Mamuju, delving into the inflation trends throughout 2023. This event serves as a crucial platform for BPS Sulbar to engage directly with the community, providing in-depth insights into the economic stability of the region.
In a session attended by dedicated listeners of RRI Mamuju, the Head of BPS Sulbar presented an analysis of inflation changes throughout the past year. The data highlighted significant dynamics, particularly in Mamuju.
Speaking through the radio waves, the Head of BPS Sulbar shared information about overall inflation changes, explaining key factors influencing them. Additionally, listeners gained insights into commodities that contributed to inflation and deflation, providing a deeper understanding of price fluctuations.
The program at RRI Mamuju also shed light on interventions carried out throughout 2023 to control price changes. The presentation of the diagram of the balance results from 2022 provided a broader context, illustrating factors contributing to inflation changes.
By utilizing the radio as a communication channel, BPS Sulbar is committed to delivering up-to-date and accurate information to the public regarding the economic conditions. Through this dialogue, it is hoped that the public's understanding of the regional economic situation will be further deepened.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Sulawesi Barat (BPS-Statistics of Sulawesi Barat Province)Jl. RE Martadinata No. 10
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