November 29, 2023 | Other Activities
[Mamuju, 28 November 2023] – Head of the Statistical Metadata Team, Muhammad Said, opened the Statistical Coaching Through Intensive Class (COSMIC) activity on Tuesday (28/11) in the Hall of BPS-Statistics Sulawesi Barat. This activity aims to obtain statistical metadata from Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD). “In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 39 of 2019 concerning One Indonesian Data requires every data produced to be equipped with metadata," said Said.
This activity identifies statistical metadata from each activity carried out by OPD or sectoral statistical activities. Metadata is structured information that describes information and makes it easy to find, use, or manage. Metadata is often referred to as data about data or information about information. "Sectoral statistical activity metadata contains information that documents the implementation of sectoral statistical activities," continued Said.
Participants who attended consisted of 10 department on the first day (28/11) and 9 office on the second day (29/11). Consisting of Bappeda, Diskominfopers, BPBD, DKP, Ketapang Department, Tourism Department, DPMPTSP, Education and Culture Department, Plantation Department, Social Department, Dispora, Health Department, PUPR Department, PMD Department, DP3AP2KB, Disperindagkop UKM, Department of
Transportation, PHP Service, and Labor Department in the provincial level Sulawesi Barat. The person in charge of sectoral statistics or data guardian, Erik Kalalembang, expressed his appreciation to BPS and all the participants who attended. "Greatest appreciation for BPS which is always there in coaching sectoral statistics and all participants who have participated in the event well," said Erik.
Each representative from the department was accompanied by a coach from BPS-Statistisi Sulawesi Barat to explain sectoral statistical metadata and how to prepare an activity that meets Indonesia's one data standard. Almost all agencies have received recommendations for sectoral statistics which were also implemented by BPS-Statistics Sulawesi Barat in previous activities. This makes it very easy to compile the metadata. As a result, everything can be completed well according to the planned time.
The COSMIC activity ended with a short presentation from Muhammad Said, the person in charge of the activity. Said advised that what service representatives had received could be shared with other friends in their respective services. "It is hoped that our activities can always be sustainable or not always start from zero as the gas station officer said," joked Said. He emphasized that everything could be better in statistical activities and presentation.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Sulawesi Barat (BPS-Statistics of Sulawesi Barat Province)Jl. RE Martadinata No. 10
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