November 7, 2023 | BPS Activities
Mamuju, 7 November 2023 - As a concrete step in increasing synergy between statistical institutions and development planning institutions in West Sulawesi (Sulbar), the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sulawesi held a sharing session with the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of West Sulawesi. The activity which took place on Tuesday (7/11) in the West Sulawesi BPS Hall aimed to dig deeper into access to Regsosek (Social Economic Registration) data to support more accurate development planning.
This event began with remarks from PJK IPDS BPS West Sulawesi, Muhammad Said, who conveyed the importance of cross-institutional collaboration in utilizing statistical data for regional development. "We believe that by collaborating with each other, we can create a better understanding of data needs at the regional level," he said.
BPS West Sulawesi also explained the efforts that had been made in collecting and processing Regsosek data. Highlighting the potential and challenges in managing this data, they invited Bappeda West Sulawesi to jointly formulate strategic steps to improve the quality of the data produced.
Secretary of the West Sulawesi Bappeda, Muh. Darwis Damir, welcomed the initiative of BPS West Sulawesi. In his remarks, Darwis said, "We are very open to collaborating and sharing experiences. The involvement of BPS West Sulawesi will make a positive contribution in improving the data we use in development planning."
This sharing session also provides an opportunity for participants to discuss and exchange ideas. Development planners and statistics from both institutions shared experiences, challenges and solutions regarding access and use of Regsosek data.
It is hoped that the results of this activity can become the basis for improving the quality of data used by the West Sulawesi Bappeda in formulating development policies. It is hoped that the collaboration between BPS Sulbar and Bappeda Sulbar can be a positive example for similar institutions in other regions in optimizing the use of statistical data to advance sustainable development.
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